Defending Self Government In A World Afraid Of Freedom... Preaching Panarchy (Market Anarchism) To A Society Of Statist Sheep...

Friday, November 03, 2006

Minarchy Vs. Anarchism...Let's Work Together!

"First the current US Constitution would need to be abolished. A new constitutional convention would be required where the libertarian ideals of the Declaration of Independence are actually enshrined as the law of the land. Any ambiguous reference to the common good that could be incorrectly interpreted must be avoided. It should be clearly stated that the constitution is not a living document subject to the interpretation and whims of judges, legislators, and executives, but only serves to limit what powers they may exercise in their duties. Most importantly, it must emphasize individual sovereignty, where the rights and property of individuals are not subject to group whims and demands, and that it is illegal to use force or coercion to gain individual compliance to any program. Forced collectivism of any type must be fully renounced as inimical to the foundation of individual liberty."


Blogger JL said...

Then the people would be forced to live by the rules of the few creators of that new constitution. How is this anarchy at all? I suppose this is Minarchy...? I'm just playing devil's advocate. I am walking the line between anarchism and a form of government closest to anarchism (Minarchism?).

7:29 AM

Blogger Thomas B. Hill said...

You must have not read the whole essay. No one is forcing anyone to do anything. The essay makes that perfectly clear.

My point of linking to this essay was to show the values that Minarchists and Anarchists share. They should be working together against Statism.

11:05 AM

Blogger Thomas B. Hill said...

I don't care what you consider to be realistic (no disrepect intended). My conscience will no longer allow me to justify the state. I am merely trying to rally freedom lovers of every degree.

Fight Statism Any Peaceful Way You Can!

1:52 PM

Blogger JL said...

I'm with you.

2:59 PM


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